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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Slaves.........How long???

Bang…Boom…..gun shots could be heard from various directions….tanks firing shells….fighters jets landing deaths …….and we are the soldiers of fortune……we are in a state of war……with blood defining the colour of river…and black is what we get to wear.

This is an actual, intentional and widespread armed conflict between the mortals and omniscient. The mere threat of war and the presence of mutual disdain between them do not suffice as indicators of war. The conflict of arms should be actual and not merely latent to fight on. What a battle to be won which starts when the child is born as we open our eyes to the day it gets closed. But human never gave up and probably will never give up.

Well… The onset of war requires a conscious commitment, and a significant mobilization, on the part of the belligerents in question. There's no real war, so to speak, until the fighters intend to go to war and until they do so with a heavy quantum of force. Realism is a complex and often sophisticated doctrine; its core propositions express a strong suspicion about applying moral concepts, like justice, to the conduct of factual affairs. And even with all the forces joined we will still succumb to the imminent adversaries. We know it….. Still we try to overcome the inevitable. Can we???

But it seems at least obvious that a divine infinite being conceived of as necessary infinitely knowledgeable would also know how? A finite person dying feels like as He would have access to all knowledge including the obvious experiences of the dying human. If man is truly free to choose between different alternatives, it is very difficult to understand how He could know in advance which way he will choose. We are ready…. So come on board as we need a lot of soldiers… As time, though has never been defeated but…… Probably someday we can… we might…and we will.


coffee stain said...

first of all everyone knows you can only contradict yourself only 3 time ....and adversaries.....dude the battles on.....oh yeah its on like donkey kong...... get your shit together........ we need all the help we need......even from pansy's like yeah.....welcome abord matie.....the nights be dark...the days thirsty.....its a thundering riot mate .....arrr

slothful guzzler said...

after such critical dissection....i only have one thing to say....."good stuff"...and keep it flowin!!!!!

The Sad Dragon said...

At first it seemed like a lot of bullshit. But I was wrong. Its a lot of "critical" bullshit. At the age of 24 you are suffering from mid-life crisis. You are a pansy. Good choice of word though. But only form does not maketh a blog. the content matters too. Am NOT trying to judge you. You wrote what you felt. I admire that. But you are still a pansy.

PS. The battle's on.

Santanu....... said...

hmm......there goes the reflective bhandari.........a rather unique situation but you nevr know when the fancy calls upon unchained philosophies...........good work but searching for more specific point of view.......keep it up!!!

~Moo-lah Buz!nezzz~ said...

I still cant help asking myself this at the end of this post...."Will we??"

btw..loved the post especially this line.

"If man is truly free to choose between different alternatives, it is very difficult to understand how He could know in advance which way he will choose."

wanderlust said...

this one s real good. salute... reflections..nice